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Drew in Japan

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What's work like.....

An awesome woman named Kim posted a good comment the other day. She asked what my current job is like. After having dinner and a couple of beers I thought that I would tackle this great question.....

I am an English teacher. Mind you I am NOT a real teacher. I have not studied at school to get a degree in teaching like my sister or father. I do have a degree but, it is not in teaching. I want to make this clear from the get go. I was hired to teach because I can read and write English (but I wonder about that sometimes!). And I have a great smile, and no criminal record JUST KIDDING! About the criminal record thing.......

Anyway I teach Japanese people conversational English. I have 8, 40min lessons during a 8 hour shift. My classes are no larger than 4 students per class. My students range from 15 years old to about 80 years old. They come from ALL walks of life. Almost all of them want to learn English , I say "almost" because some of my high school and junior high school students are "too cool" to learn English and say very little in class....BUT there are very few of those students.
My job is as easy as they come, seriously. I get to talk to people ALL DAY LONG. This is most likely one of the best jobs I have EVER had. I am HAPPY and EXCITED to go to work eveyday. I smile all day long. I have a great time at work. It is as simple as that.
I loved working at my last job because my boss was great and most of my coworkers were cool, MOST NOT ALL. But at this job everyone is cool, polite and friendly. After work everyday I can get TANKED if I want and I have PLENTY of coworkers willing to get drunk with me and share a story or two. In a nutshell I love my job.

As for my last job, I had/have A LOT of respect for certain people, and you know who you are, but I was GLAD to leave my last job. I won't get in to details on why.......no you know what F@&K IT! I will. I hope that the people in charge at my last job get their heads out of their asses and make some goddamn changes for the better there....GOD DAMN IT!!!!

Sorry I had to get that off my chest...

Anyway, my job kicks ass, hands down.

I will post some pics later this week, ok?


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