new place
Here are some pictures of our new Apt. and some other stuff I hope you all enjoy. I will not be able to post for about 2 weeks while I wait for internet service in the new place, see you all soon! BTW, feel free to post comments!
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Here are some pictures of our new Apt. and some other stuff I hope you all enjoy. I will not be able to post for about 2 weeks while I wait for internet service in the new place, see you all soon! BTW, feel free to post comments!
Totoro KICKS ASS! thanks to my sister in law for the cool stuff! Thank you Tsunemi!
I think that I will start off with some of the stuff that has been going on at work. Just because it is really funny. I have 3 new groups of kids classes! One group are little kids (ages 4 to 6) and they are funny as hell. They have a good time and I have a good time so we get along just fine. I have been teaching them things like. . .a cow goes "Moo" but when we get to what a dog does we have some confusion. See in Japan kids are taught that a dog goes "Wan Wan" not the U.S. standard "Woof Woof" so it took me about a week to convert my kids to the U.S. version and trust me they were confused as hell! They kept looking at me like "Is this guy for real?! A dog does not go woof woof. What's this guys problem!" But all in all they are a fun group of kids!
OK OK I know its been like a F@CKING month since I last posted but I have been busy so don't get your panties in a bunch. . . .I got lots to talk about and even more to update you all about. But I am currently running on MST (Mexican Standard Time) soooo I have been a little behind. I will have a HUGE post up tomorrow. With some pictures of my NEW aoartment and some other random shit. You all are going to LOVE the size the bathroom that I have. . . REALLY.