I just read a comment from one of my friends from Cal Poly asking why. . . no more like telling me that I have not updated in some time. And the truth is I have not done much over the last 6 months or so that are worth putting in print. But here are some "high lights" of the past month or so. . . .
I have been busy to no end and I haven't had a lot of free time to do much. Recently I have missed home quite a bit. Maybe because it is summer. I'm not sure. Work has been taking most of my time and energy. . . which is not a bad thing.
I turned 31 last month and I feel a lot older than that. . . which is not a good thing.
I got a stomache and colon infection on Monday of this week, so I had to stay the night at the hospital and used about 6 IVs over the course of 15 hours. As well as vomiting and shitting to no end. That was not too fun. But on the good side the hospital stay and care only cost about 300 US dollars. You can't beat that price.
I started reading East of Eden. . . . It is a really good book.
I got my bodyboards from Cali and I will be using them soon. I am very very excited about that.
I went to see Sumo Wrestling last month and it kicked ass. And I took some pretty good pictures if I do say so myself.
And lastly I have hope that this summer will be a good one.
I will try to take more names and kick more ass. . . shizzle
PS the picture is of the "beach" near my apartment