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Drew in Japan

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I have an addiction

Hello again from the land of the rising sun! I have not posted in a while so I thought it was about time to. First things first, I would like to wish my mom a happy belated birthday (Nov. 4th) and wish my dad a happy up coming birthday (Nov. 16th)! If you happen to see them wish them well. Second, tomorrow will be my 4th month here in Japan. I have not gone completely crazy . . . (yet) which is a good sign! Good now, with that out of the way I would like to confess something. . . I must do this because it will be my first step towards recovery.

Those of that know me. . .know that I am a guy that likes pro-wrestling matches with barbwire, shards of broken glass, and lots of blood. I guy that likes movies like Pulp Fiction and Fight Club. A guy that thinks Dickies and Ben Davis are fashionable. A guy that doesn't really have the word "cute" in my vocabulary.

But ever since I came to Japan "cuteness" has been all around me. Infecting my mind, changing me. Cute TV commerical, cute posters on the train, cute pink cell phones, cute cell phone straps, cute little old ladies in Kimonos (no, not the ones that push me off the train), cute little old men that ride the train and give little cute bows before they sit down next to you, cute little kids that I teach at work that have cute little voices that they talk to me in Japanese with, cute school kids that all look like sailors and travel in packs!, cute cars that look like toys, cute cartoons and comic books that are about cute crushes on classmates, the cute way that cute school kids say "Kawaii!!!!!(kawaii is the Japanese word for "cute"), the cute daikon man figurines that I collect(see the pictures below for a better idea of what I am talking about, cute j-pop music that everyone loves because its sounds. . . well. . . cute! I can not escape the cute here. I tried to resist "the cuteness" but it has consumed me. Bring on the cute because I like it!

This is my first step towards recovery. . .

In all seriousness, I would rather have "cute" here than scary, mean, and twisted, like some of the people from my hometown that walk the streets! Yeah, so maybe I like Totoro (do a Google search if you don't know who he is) and maybe I can have a 40min conversation with a 12 year old on how much we both like Finding Nemo, but least I know they won't "pop a cap in my ass" if they get mad at me! LONG LIVE THE CUTE DAIKON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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